Learn Painting from Beth, Your Painting Coach, no matter where you are, on the planet!

Day or Night, in the privacy of your own home! A different Video will be sent to you every month, full of fun and exciting information to nurture your painting career! Get Ready to Join “Team Zink!”

INCLUDED Every Month:

  • A Step by Step Painting Demonstration (which you can follow and replay)
  • “Ask Beth:” an interactive feature, where Beth answers, in person, your emailed questions
  • Color of the Month: Beth discusses a particular color, how to mix it, how to use it, how to mix other colors with it
  • Tips & Tricks: Beth shares shortcuts with you
  • Pearls of Wisdom: Words of encouragement to help you along the way

The First 25 Team Members to Register receive a Special Introductory Price of $99.00